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Release time: 2024-09-24 17:49    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

  In order to further promote the knowledge update of professional and technical talents,Strengthen the construction of professional and technical personnel in protected areas,Continuously m88 online sports betting appimprove the capabilities and quality of professional and technical personnel,Promote the quality and efficiency of various work in protected areas,The Minqinlian Ancient City Management and Protection Center recently organized a total of 47 professional and technical personnel from central agencies and grassroots protection stations to carry out continuing education and training in 2024。

  Based on the characteristics of the protected area industry and professional development needs,Our center is among the 87 provincial continuing education bases for professional and technical personnel that have been reported to the Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Security for filing and confirmation and newly announced this year through the province’s continuing education work platform,Selected an education base that meets the needs of professional and technical personnel in the protected area,Selected course content m88 live casino gamessuitable for the development requirements of professional and technical personnel in protected areas,Organize and implement this continuing education and training work in the form of distance education。In training,Public necessities courses highlight ideological and political leadership,Carrying out ideological and political learning、Knowledge update and expansion、Cultivation of scientific spirit、Cultivating professional ethics、Teamwork building、Proceeding with safety production and other contents;Professional courses focus on improving innovation capabilities,Revolving around natural resource protection、Development of deep processing industry of characteristic forest and fruit industry、Basics of ecological environment protection、Agricultural technology application and promotion, etc.,to supplement、Update、Expand new theories in related m88 online bettingbusiness quality and professional technology、New knowledge、New technology、New method,Improving the knowledge structure、To improve professional technical level and innovation ability。The training method is close to reality,The training content is highly targeted、Practical and forward-looking,Professional and technical personnel attach great importance to it、Proactive,According to the specified time limit,Completed high-quality public courses of no less than 30 hours、Professional courses of no less than 60 hours of study and training。

  Passed this continuing education training,Further improved the theoretical literacy of the professional and technical personnel in the protected area,Participants expressed their opinions,Will strive to transform learning results into work abilities,Continuously improve the policy level in practice、Business capabilities and service awareness,Putting what you learn m88 live casino gamesinto practice,Perform your duties better,Comprehensively demonstrate the new responsibilities of Lian Gucheng Conservation Area with a broader vision and higher standards、New Action,Effectively contribute to promoting the high-level development of protected areas!

(ContributionOrganization and Human Resources Department    Audit: Information Management Section)

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