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Release time: 2022-04-12 10:30    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

Recently,m88 live casino games Party Committee Secretary、Director Yan Haoyuan led members of the center’s leadership team and heads of relevant departments to the Nanhu Conservation Station,On the current COVID-19 epidemic prevention and control and grassroots party building、Forest fire prevention、Resource Management、Lin Chang Zhi、On-site supervision and inspection of forestry pest control and other work。

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Under supervision and inspection,Yan Haoyuan emphasized,First, we must carry out the current COVID-19 prevention and control work strictly and carefully,The current epidemic prevention and control situation is still very serious,Be vigilant,Overcoming fluke mentality,m88 live casino gamesStrictly implement the epidemic prevention and control work plan、Plans and epidemic prevention and control measures,Do a good job in screening outsiders,Strictly and meticulously check the health code and travel code、Scan location code、Wear a mask、Temperature testing and other prevention and control measures,Build a solid line of defense for epidemic prevention and control。Second, we must do a good job in fire prevention patrols、Fire source management、Hidden danger troubleshooting、Daily publicity and education work,Strictly implement the "dual-line and four-level" responsibility mechanism and various forest fire prevention measures,Compacting the responsibility of forest and grassland fire prevention grid layer by layer,Vigorously carry out forest fire prevention knowledge publicity and warning education,Effectively enhance the public’s awareness of forest fire prevention。Three must be at the level of protecting green and managing green,Conscientiously implement the “two districts and one network” management and control mechanism and the monthly and quarterly inspection and supervision work mechanism,Take the comprehensive implementation of the forest chief system as the starting point,Make inspections in place、Supervision in place、Supervision in place,Continue to strengthen forest resources、Wildlife、Desert ecosystem protection and nature reserve system m88 live casino gamesconstruction。Fourth, we must conscientiously implement the 2022 Party Building and Party Style and Clean Government Construction Work Conference、Spirit of the Protected Area Work Conference,Revolving around the "Six Strong, Six True, Six New and Six Guarantees" and "Seven Persistences、Seven Focuses”,With a high sense of political responsibility and mission, carry out various key tasks in the protected area in 2022。

At Nanhu Conservation Station,The inspection team carefully inspected the party building and party style and clean government work of Nanhu Protection Station、Resource Patrol Supervision、Internal information related to public welfare forest management and protection,Listened to the work introduction,And held discussions and exchanges with all staff of the protection station and public welfare forest rangers。At the symposium,Yan Haoyuan inquired in detail about each ranger’s performance of duties and study and training,I asked about the area of ​​management and protection responsibility on site、Ranger job responsibilities and knowledge you need to know,And put forward four hopes and requirements for all forest rangers:

First, we must strengthen business learning,Enhancing the ability to perform duties。Especially the new forest rangers who are on duty this year,It must be combined with pre-job business training and personal self-study,Study seriously the Forest M88 Online Live CasinoLaw, Grassland Law, Wildlife Protection Law, Nature Reserve Regulations, Forest Fire Prevention Regulations and other forest and grassland laws、Regulations、Policies and What You Need to Know,Promote application through learning,Empowering through learning,Practice the basic skills of performing your duties well。

Second, we must clarify management and protection responsibilities,Strengthening responsibility。You should pay more attention to your responsibilities and requirements,Be familiar with your job responsibilities and nature of work,Be proficient in the area of ​​responsibility for management and protection、Lin Class Small Class、Fourth boundary lines and plant species in the management and protection area、Forest and grassland diseases and insect pests, etc.,Not only must you know what you do,You also need to be proficient in various business skills,Enable yourself to be well qualified for your job,Strengthen the sense of responsibility,Have the courage to take responsibility,Perform your duties conscientiously,Strive to be the vanguard of protecting and managing green affairs。

Thirdly, we must cherish our jobs,Submit to unit management。All forest rangers must strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the unit without exception,Submit to the daily management and work arrangements of the unit,Strengthen unity,Help each other,Work together to do your m88 live casino gamesjob well,Never allow "special people" and "special things" who are not bound by the system or do not obey the management of the unit。

Fourth, we must enhance safety awareness,Build a secure line of defense。We must insist on putting people first,Strengthen safety management,Whether it is in patrol work or in daily life,Everything must be done to oneself、To family、To the unit、A highly responsible attitude toward the cause,Always tighten the string of security risk prevention,Firmly hold on to the safety red line and bottom line,Ensure resource security、Personnel safety、Social harmony and stability。

After the meeting,The inspection team went deep into the Maoshan subsection of the Nanhu Conservation Station、On-site research was conducted in the concentrated distribution area of ​​natural top forest in Alagu Mountain and other places,Visited resource management and protection、Grazing prohibition work、Vegetation turning green and forest diseases and insect pests, etc.。

(Contributed by: Zhang Chaoxiang    Audit: Gao Wanlin)

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