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Release time: 2022-02-21 15:53    m88 live casino gamesNumber of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

    On the occasion of the ninth "World Wildlife Day", February 21,The Minqinlian Ancient City Management and Protection Center organized a publicity activity with the theme of “Paying Attention to Flagship Species and Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China”。

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This promotional activity closely focuses on the theme of the event,Combined with the protection characteristics of wild animals and plants in the protected area,Under the premise of fully implementing the epidemic prevention and control requirements,Adopt measures according to local conditions、Various forms、Rich content、Promoted through a combination m88 live casino gamesof m88 live casino gamesonline and offline methods。A consultation service desk has been set up in Minqin County,Distribute 2000 copies of promotional materials、More than 1,000 promotional bags (promotional cartons),Received more than 200 consultations from the public,Using LED to promote more than 100 large-screen scrolling pictures of animals and plants,At the agency gate、County main road、More than 10 promotional banners are hung at key intersections in the protection station area and forest area,Send 10,000 mobile promotional text messages,Organized forest rangers to go into villages and households to explain knowledge on wildlife protection,Focus on publicizing laws and m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamesregulations related to the protection of wild animals and plants,Popularized knowledge on wildlife protection,Comprehensive display of the beautiful and colorful key species of wildlife in the reserve,Promoted the remarkable achievements in biodiversity protection in the 20 years since the establishment of the national nature reserve。

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Through promotional activities,Improved the whole society’s awareness of protecting wild animals and plants and the ability to prevent epidemic sources and diseases,Mobilize the public to actively participate in building a beautiful home where man and nature coexist harmoniously。Next step,The protected area will m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamescontinue to increase publicity,Create a good atmosphere for protecting wildlife resources,Maintain regional ecological balance。

(Contributed by: Wang Chengxun   Audit: Zhao Duoming)