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Release time: 2024-09-19 15:29    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

  Morning of September 19th,m88 live casino games held a summary meeting of the Party Committee’s Theoretical Study Center Group Study and Party Discipline Study and Education,Convey and study the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions on party discipline study and education,Summary of party discipline learning and education achievements in protected areas,Deepen the application of party discipline learning and education experience,Continue to promote the normalization and long-term effectiveness of party discipline learning m88 online sports betting appM88 Online Live Casinoand education。Leader of Management and Protection Center、Chief and deputy section chief of each department、The directors and deputy directors of each protection station attended the meeting,Secretary of the Central Party Committee、Director Comrade Bai Zhenqing presided over the meeting and delivered a speech。


  The meeting pointed out,Since the launch of party discipline learning and education,The Central Party Committee conscientiously studied and implemented the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech and important instructions on party discipline study and education,In accordance with the unified deployment requirements of the provincial bureau party group,Focus on studying the "Regulations",Real learning、Good beginning and good ending,Focus on solving some party members、Cadres don’t pay attention to party rules and disciplines、Don’t know、Problems such as not mastering,Multiple forms、Multiple channels、Organize multiple measures to carry out party discipline study and education,Enabled the majority of party members and cadres to receive all-round ideological tempering、Political experience and practical training,The political ecology of the unit is further m88 live casino gamesoptimized,M88 Online Live CasinoParty members’ discipline and style have further improved,Employee abilities and quality are further enhanced,The law enforcement credibility of law enforcement officers has been further improved,The energy and spirit of all employees to take the initiative to do things are naturally formed,Shows fast startup、Good protection,Catch finely、Learn deeply,Deep Fusion、Characteristics such as being practical,Party discipline learning and education have achieved positive results,Provides a strong disciplinary guarantee for the high-quality development of protected areas。

  Meeting request,Party organizations at all levels and all party members and cadres in protected areas must fully understand that the "finale" of party discipline study and education is not the "end",“Summary” is not “end”,Persistence、Long-term success,Embrace the responsibility of clean government,Practice discipline skills,Tighten the strings of discipline,Keep your integrity,Always learn and always be new、Always think and realize、Always grasp and always be strict,Really bring the educational effect to a deeper level、Keep the good momentum going。First, we must be cautious m88 online sports betting appin learning from the m88 online sports betting appbeginning to the end,Work hard on internal transformation。Consciously integrate party discipline learning and education into daily life、Caught often,Establish a discipline education method that combines regularity and concentration,Learn deeply and learn thoroughly、Continue to work hard on accurate use,Form the normal state of party discipline learning and education。Second, we must carefully compare and make rectifications,Work hard to consolidate the results。Prepare democratic life meetings and organizational life meetings,Seek truth from facts and examine your own shortcomings,In-depth analysis of the cause of the problem,Carry out serious criticism and self-criticism,Correct ideological and behavioral deviations in a timely manner,Rectify existing problems item by item,Consolidate Party Discipline Learning and Educational Achievements。Third, we must strictly enforce discipline and work style,Work hard to uphold integrity and discipline。Holding the main responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party,Insist on promoting both turbidity and clearness,Continue to correct the "four trends" with the spirit of nailing,Create an atmosphere of "strict m88 live casino gamesrestraint"M88 Online Live Casino,Build a strong ideological and moral defense against corruption and change。Four must concentrate on implementation,Work hard to promote development。Apply the results of party discipline study and education to work、implementation、Please come up with actual results,In-depth study and implementation of the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Party,Take the initiative to take the responsibility of “protecting, increasing, and using green”,With a higher position、Greater intensity、More practical measures to further deepen the reform of forest and grass areas in protected areas,Continuously thicken the ecological background of the protected area,Create a new situation in the high-quality construction and development of protected areas。

  (Contributed by: Office     Audit: Information Management Section)

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