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Release time: 2023-06-21 10:40    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

June this year is the 22nd “Safety Production Month” in the country,The theme is "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to deal with emergencies"。In order to thoroughly implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important exposition on production safety,Continue to promote the "three grasps and three promotions" action to be deeper and more solid,Strictly implement M88 Online Live Casinothe requirements of the "m88 live casino games 2023 "Safety Production Month" Activity Plan",Effectively enhance the safety awareness of the whole people,Promote the continued stability of production safety situation in the jurisdiction,June 15,Nanhu Protection Station organized and carried out the "Safety Production Month" publicity activity,All cadres, employees and forest rangers participated in the event。

Before the event,Protection stations are carefully deployed,Organized all cadres, employees and forest rangers to conduct safety production business training,Watched m88 online betting"Fortification" together、"The Alarm Bell Rings" special educational film,Strengthened the safety knowledge literacy of forest rangers,Improving the ideological understanding of forest rangers。

On the day of the event,By hanging banners in Suwu Township、Distribute promotional materials、On-site explanation and training, etc.,Closely focus on the theme of "Everyone pays attention to safety and everyone knows how to deal with emergencies",Promote knowledge about accident prevention and safety regulations, etc.。A total of 25 people were dispatched for this event,Distributed more m88 online bettingthan 400 copies of promotional materials、20 boxes of promotional tissue paper,More than 200 people consulted。

(Contributed by: Nanhu Conservation Station  Audit: Information Management Section)  

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