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Release time: 2023-04-04 15:06    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

To encourage grassroots protection station employees to work hard on learning、Strong in execution、See the truth in performance,Solidly promote the "three grasps and three promotions" action to be deeper and more solid、See results。April 3,Triangle City Conservation Station organizes all cadres, staff and forest rangers to carry out the "three grasps and three promotions" action knowledge test。

This test is conducted m88 online sports betting m88 live casino gamesappin a closed-book format,The test content includes the overall requirements of the "three grasps and three promotions" action、Main tasks、Knowledge points such as action goals and other things you should know。In testing process,All staff carefully review the questions、Answer the sheet carefully,Shows a good spirit。The recent learning achievements of grassroots protection station employees have been fully tested through tests,Effectively achieving the goal of promoting learning through testing、Promoting knowledge through learning、The purpose of promoting action through knowledge。

Next step,The Triangle City Protection Station will continue to promote the goals and tasks of the "Three Grasps and Three Promotions" action and "Grasp Learning and Promote Improvement",Focus on learning “heat”, “temperature” and “depth”,Continuously enrich learning content、Innovative learning carrier、Enhance learning effect,Guide all employees to transform theoretical learning results into actual results in performing their duties,Contribute to the high-quality development of natural resource management and protection in the jurisdiction。

(Contributed m88 online bettingby: Triangle City Protection Station  Audit: Information Management Section)

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