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Release time: 2023-02-23 10:49    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

2Month 21st,To ensure that all work in the new year is carried out in m88 online bettingan orderly m88 live casino gamesmanner,Vigorously promote the implementation of goals and tasks,The director of the center, led by the head of the business department, went to the grassroots protection station,Comprehensive supervision of the implementation of business work deployment in 2023。The inspection team went deep into Lian Gucheng one after another、Triangle City and Huangling Protection Station,Management and protection of public welfare forests、Forest fire prevention、Supervised the deployment and implementation of key tasks such as production safety。

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     The inspection team checked the forest and grassland fire prevention material storage at each station,Inspected the emergency preparation of fire prevention materials and the collection and arrangement of business work materials,Checked m88 online bettingthe m88 live casino gamesduty watch,And put forward four requirements for the implementation of current work: First, rapid mobilization,Gather your strength,Change style、Pressure responsibility、implementation,Welcome the new stage and new tasks with a new look and hard work。The second is to continue to deepen ranger training,It is necessary to carry out safety education for rangers throughout the whole year,Create a good environment for rangers to perform their duties。Third, we must step up efforts to implement the “two districts and one network” control measures。The forest director of the protection station should take the initiative to patrol the forest,Accurate and reliable patrol responsibility,Continue to strengthen patrol supervision,To find out the current status m88 live casino gamesof management and protection m88 live casino gamesin the responsible area,Find out the shortcomings,Difficulties in anchoring,Strike again,Strengthen again,Seek breakthroughs in real management and protection,Real results。The fourth is to build a strong defense line for the protection area with a high sense of responsibility,Further strengthen the deployment of wild fire source control work,Carry out in-depth investigation and control of wild fire sources,Focus on supervision of agricultural areas surrounding protected areas,Increase manpower deployment and patrol frequency,Pay close attention to the use of fire in agriculture,Check the smoke when you see it,Put out the fire,Set warning signs in necessary areas,Actively organize and carry out household promotion,m88 live casino gamesGuide the masses to regulate m88 online sports betting appthe use of fire,Explain the serious hazards and legal responsibilities caused by forest fires,Increase people’s fire prevention awareness,Effectively ensure the safety of various resources and the safety of people’s lives and property。

(Contributed by: Protection and Monitoring Section    Audit: Information Management Department)



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