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According to the Human Resources and Social Security Department of Gansu Province、Gansu Province Forestry and Grassland Bureau issued the "Gansu Forestry (Agricultural Exit) Engineering Professional Title Evaluation Condition Standard" (Gan Renxiantong[2021] m88 online sports betting m88 online bettingapp264) Spirit,Personal application、Center Professional and Technical Title Evaluation and Evaluation Group preliminary review,Central meeting research decision,AgreeGu Xingwuetc.4Comrades are identified as assistant engineers' professional and technical positions.The relevant situation will be publicized as follows

1. The total number of junior positions and the amount of vacancy positions

April 2019,The Provincial Department of Human Resources and Social Affairs approves a total of 49 professional and technical positions in our center,Among them: 16 primary,Actually there are junior positions12Individual, vacancy4individual.

2、List of qualified personnel in the professional and technical position of assistant engineers

Gu Xingwu    Xu Yan     Liu Hongmei    Lei Zhanrong    

3, the basic situation of the publicity object

Gu Xingwu, male,Born in June 1993,Jingyuan people in Gansu,Member of the Communist Party of China,University undergraduate,Bachelor m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamesof Agricultural Bachelor, Graduation of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University in June 2018 2021year3Participate in the month.

Xu Yan, female,June 1994 Born,Gansu people,Member of the Communist Party of China,Research Student,Master of Forestry,Graduation of Forestry, Gansu Agricultural University in June 20202021year3Participate in the month.

Liu Hongmei, female,February 1991 Born,Ningxia Middle Guards,Mass,University undergraduate,Bachelor m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamesof Agricultural Bachelor,June 2015 Hengshui College Garden major2021year3Participate in the month.

Lei Zhanrong, female,October 1995 Born,Gansu Tianzhu Ren,Member of the Communist Party of China,University undergraduate,Bachelor m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamesof Agricultural Bachelor, June 2019 Gansu Agricultural University's soil and water conservation and desertification prevention major graduates2021year3Participate in the month.

The above comrades can conscientiously implement the party's line policy and policy,Carefully study and implement M88 Online Live CasinoXi Jinping's thoughts M88 Online Live Casinoof socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Being able to resolutely achieve,Being able to resolutely achieve"Two Maintenance",Consciously practicing the core values ​​of socialism,Have good professional ethics、Social Responsibility。Study on the Meeting of the Out of Management and Protection Center,AgreeGu Xingwuetc.4Comrades are identified as assistant engineers' professional and technical positions.

Four, publicity time

2022yearSeptember20Day—2022yearSeptember26Day, common5 working days (excluding holiday holidays)。Acceptance time: 8: 30-12: 00 am   14: 30-18: 00

5. Accepting the reflection department and contact information:

Public announcement,If you have any objections to the assistant engineer for the assessment of the publicity object,You can pass by phone、Fax、Email、Letter and other forms to organize the personnel department to organize the personnel department of the Gansu m88 live casino gamesMinqin and Ancient City m88 live casino gamesManagement Center (the letter is subject to the postmark of the day)。Reflecting the situation must be objective and real,Materials that reflect the situation in the name of personal name should provide real names and effective contact information,Otherwise, it will not be accepted。

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