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m88 online bettingPublic explanation of the departmental final accounts of the Minqin Lian Gucheng National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau in Gansu Province 


head Record

Part 1  Department Summary

1. Department Responsibilities

2. Institutional setup

Part 2  2020Annual Department Final Accounts

1. Summary of final accounts of income and expenditure

2. Final income statement

3. Expenditure final account

IV. Summary of final accounts of fiscal appropriations, revenue and expenditures

5. General public budget financial appropriation expenditure final account

6. General public budget financial appropriation basic expenditure final account

7. General public budget financial allocation三公Final Account of Fund Expenditure

8. Government Fund Budget and Fiscal Appropriation Revenue and Expenditure Final Account

9. Final account of state-owned capital operating budget and fiscal appropriation expenditure

Part 3  2020Explanation of annual departmental accounts

1. Overall description of the final accounts of income and expenditure

II. Explanation of final income accounts

3. Explanation of final accounts of expenditures

IV. Overall description of the final accounts of fiscal appropriation revenue and expenditure

V. Explanation of final accounts of general public budget fiscal appropriations

Six、Explanation of final accounts of general public budget financial appropriations and basic expenditures

7. General public budget financial allocation三公Explanation of final accounts of expenditures

8. Explanation of agency operating expenses

9. Description of government procurement expenditures

10. Description of the occupation of state-owned assets

Eleven,Explanation of the final accounts of government funds’ budgetary appropriations and expenditures

Twelve、Explanation of fiscal appropriation expenditures in the state-owned capital operating budget

13. Budget performance description

Part 4  Term explanation

Part 1  Department Summary

1. Department Responsibilities

Gansu Minqinlian Ancient City National Nature Reserve Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Minqinlian Ancient City Administration or Administration),Nature of the business,In department level organization,Directly managed by the Provincial Forestry and Grassland Bureau。The main functions are:

(1) Responsible for the implementation of national and provincial laws on the construction of protected areas、Regulations and Policies、Policy,Develop various management systems,And organize the implementation;

(2) Preparation、Implement the master plan and annual plan for the protected area,Formulated、Implement various management systems;

(3) Organize and carry out the protection of desert resources in protected areas、Investigation and Monitoring,Create resource file;

(4) Protecting the natural desert vegetation community、Rare and endangered wild animals and plants、Extremely fragile desert ecosystems and ancient human cultural sites;

(5) Carry out monitoring and survey of forest pests in protected areas、Forecasting, prevention and forest fire warning and forecasting、Fire drill、Firefighting and disposal, etc.;

(6) Organize and coordinate relevant departments to carry out scientific research and promote applications,And carry out publicity and education on nature protection;

(7) Without affecting the natural environment and natural resource protection of the protected area,Organize visits、Travel and other activities。

2. Institutional setup

Internal office of Minqinlian Ancient City Management Bureau、Organization and Human Resources Department、Planning and Finance Section、Protection and Monitoring Section、Scientific Research Management Section、Information Management Section, etc.6Departments,under Huangling、Triangle City、Lian Gucheng、Qin Feng、花儿园、Hongyashan、Nanhu Protection Station, etc.7grassroots protection stations.

  1.  2020Annual Department Final Accounts

    (See attached table for details)

1. Summary of final accounts of income and expenditure

2. Final income statement

3. Expenditure final account

IV. Summary of final accounts of fiscal appropriations, revenue and expenditures

5. General public budget financial appropriation expenditure final account

6. General public budget financial appropriation basic expenditure final account

7. General public budget financial allocation三公Final Account of Fund Expenditure

8. Government Fund Budget and Fiscal Appropriation Revenue and Expenditure Final Account

9. Final account of state-owned capital operating budget and fiscal appropriation expenditure

Part 3  2020Explanation of annual departmental accounts

1. Overall description of the final accounts of income and expenditure

2020Total annual income and expenditure4,203.32Ten thousand yuan. Revenue and expenditure increased compared with the previous year’s final accounts470.2710,000 yuan,Growth12.60%,The main reason isThis year’s personnel expenditure adjustments and increased project investment

II. Explanation of final income accounts

2020Total annual income3,672.19Ten thousand yuan, including: general public budget fiscal appropriation revenue3,672.1910,000 yuan, accounted for100.00%

3. Explanation of final accounts of expenditures

2020Total annual expenses2,691.06Ten thousand yuan, including: basic expenses603.5710,000 yuan, accounted for22.43%;Project expenditure2,087.4910,000 yuan, accounted for77.57%

IV. Overall description of the final accounts of fiscal appropriation revenue and expenditure

2020Total annual fiscal appropriation receipts and expenditures4,203.32Ten thousand yuan. and2019Compared with 2015, the total fiscal allocation revenue and expenditure increased470.2710,000 yuan, growth12.60%。The main reason is the adjustment of personnel expenses and changes in project investment intensity this year。

V. Explanation of final accounts of general public budget fiscal appropriations

2020Annual general public budget financial appropriation expenditure2,691.0610,000 yuan, a decrease from the previous year’s final accounts510.8610,000 yuan, down15.95%. The main reason isSome projects have not been paid, resulting in fund carryover.

1. The budget for social security and employment expenditures at the beginning of the year is35.82Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is35.82Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year100.00%

2. The budget for health expenditure at the beginning of the year is24.52Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is24.52Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year100.00%

3. The budget for agriculture, forestry and water expenditure at the beginning of the year is2,753.32Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is2,605.38Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year94.63%,The main reason why the final accounts are smaller than the budgetSome projects have not been paid, resulting in fund carryover

4. The budget for housing security expenditure at the beginning of the year is25.04Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is25.04Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year100.00%

Six、Explanation of final accounts of general public budget financial appropriations and basic expenditures

2020Basic expenditures of annual general public budget financial appropriations603.57Ten thousand yuan. Including: personnel expenses556.9510,000 yuan, increased from the previous year’s final accounts56.8610,000 yuan, growth11.37%, the main reason isOpen Recruitment10People, personnel expenses increased,The purpose of personnel funds mainly includes basic salary、Allowance subsidy、Performance wages and social security contributions。Public funds46.6210,000 yuan, increased from the previous year’s final accounts4.9710,000 yuan, growth11.93%, main reasonIt is caused by the increase in personnelPublic expenses such as electricity bills, travel expenses, etc.Increase.

7. General public budget financial allocationExplanation of the final accounts m88 online sports betting appof "three public expenditures"

(1)三公Explanation of the overall situation of financial allocation expenditure

2020Year三公The budget for expenditure at the beginning of the year is4.16Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is3.92Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year94.23%,The main reason why the final account number is smaller than the budget number is that the unit has reduced its expenditure。

(2)三公Details of the final accounts of financial appropriations and expenditures

1.The budget for the purchase, operation and maintenance of official vehicles at the beginning of the year is3.86Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is3.83Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year99.22%,The main reason why the final account number is smaller than the budget number is that the unit has reduced its expenditure。

2.The budget for operation and maintenance fees for official vehicles at the beginning of the year is3.86Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is3.83Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year99.22%,The main reason why the final account number is smaller than the budget number is that the unit has reduced its expenditure。

3.The budget for official reception expenses at the beginning of the year is0.30Ten thousand yuan, the final expenditure is0.08Ten thousand yuan, to complete the budget at the beginning of the year26.67%,The main reason why the final account number is smaller than the budget number is that the unit has reduced its expenditure。

(3)三公Final financial appropriation expenditures and physical quantities

2020The annual number of official vehicles owned by this department is6vehicle; domestic official reception1Batch10People.

8. Explanation of agency operating expenses

My unit2020Annual non-organic operation related funds

9. Description of government procurement expenditures

2020Total annual government procurement expenditures of this department1,060.56Ten thousand yuan, including: government procurement of goods353.74Ten thousand yuan, government procurement project expenditure706.8310,000 yuan, government procurement service expenditure0.00Ten thousand yuan. Amount of contracts awarded to SMEs1,060.56Ten thousand yuan, accounting for total government procurement expenditure100.00%, including: contract amount awarded to small and micro enterprises1,060.56Ten thousand yuan, accounting for total government procurement expenditure100.00%

10. Description of the occupation of state-owned assets

as of2020Year12month31Day, this department has a total of vehicles6vehicles, including confidential communication vehicles1vehicles,, special professional and technical vehicles2vehicles, other vehicles3vehicles, other vehicles are mainlyBusiness vehicle

Eleven,Explanation of the final accounts of government funds’ budgetary appropriations and expenditures

My unit2020Annual Anarchy Fund Income,There is no expenditure arranged by government funds。

Twelve、Explanation of fiscal appropriation expenditures in the state-owned capital operating budget

My unit2020There is no expenditure arranged by the state-owned capital operating budget in the year.

13. Budget performance description

(Attached to the Minqin Lian Gucheng National Nature Reserve Administration Bureau, Gansu Province2020Annual provincial budget implementation performance self-evaluation report)

Part 4  Term explanation

1. Fiscal appropriation income:Refers to the financial allocation obtained from the financial department at the same level this year,Including general public budget financial allocations and government fund budget financial allocations。

2. Business income:fingerThe cash inflow obtained by the public institutions from carrying out professional business activities and its auxiliary activities; the funds such as education fees and other funds actually allocated by the financial accounts received by the public institutions are reflected here。

3. Operating income:fingerCash inflows obtained by public institutions from non-independent accounting operating activities outside of professional business activities and auxiliary activities。

4. Other income:Refers to the division obtained by the unitFinancial appropriation incomeBusiness incomeOperating incomeIncome other than etc.,Including investment income not included in the fiscal budget or fiscal account management、Bank deposit interest income、Rental income、Donation income,Cash profit income、m88 live casino gamesInventory m88 online sports betting appsurplus income、Recovery of written-off receivables and prepayments、Accounts payable and received in advance that cannot be repaid。Funds obtained by each unit from units at the same level other than the financial department at the same level、Funds obtained from financial departments other than the same level,And the financial special account management funds received by administrative units are reflected in this item。

5. Carryover and balance at the beginning of the year:Refers to the basic expenditure carried forward by the unit from the previous year to be used in this year、Project expenditure carry forward and balance、Operating balance。

6. Balance distribution:Refers to the unit in accordance with relevant national regulations,Pay income tax、Withdrawal of special funds、Distribution of balances transferred to business funds, etc. for the year。

7. Year-end carryover and balance:Refers to the basic expenditure carried forward by the unit to the next year、Project expenditure carry forward and balance、Operating balance。

8. Basic expenses:Refers to ensuring the normal operation of the organization、Personnel expenses and public expenses incurred to complete daily work tasks。Among them: personnel expenses refer to the economic subjects in the government revenue and expenditure classificationSalary and welfare expensesandSubsidy to individuals and families;Public funds refer to the economic items excluded from the government revenue and expenditure classificationSalary and welfare expensesandSubsidy to individuals and familiesOther expenses.

9. Project expenditure:Refers to expenditures incurred in addition to basic expenditures to complete specific administrative tasks and career development goals。

10. Operating expenses:Refers to the expenditures incurred by public institutions in carrying out non-independent accounting business activities outside of professional business activities and auxiliary activities。

Eleven,“Three Public Affairs” funds:Refers to the expenses for business trips abroad (outbound) arranged with general public budget financial allocations、Official vehicle purchase, operation and maintenance fees、Official reception expenses。Among them,Expenses for business trips abroad reflect the unit’s international travel expenses for business trips abroad、Transportation expenses between foreign cities、Accommodation fee、Food expenses、Training fee、Expenditures such as public and miscellaneous expenses; official vehicle purchase fees reflect the unit’s official vehicle purchase expenses (including vehicle purchase tax); official vehicle operation and maintenance fees reflect the official vehicle fuel costs retained by the unit in accordance with regulations、Maintenance fee、Toll for crossing the bridge、Insurance premium、Safety reward expenses and other expenditures; official reception expenses reflect the unit’s expenditures for various official receptions (including reception of foreign guests) according to regulations。

12. Agency operating expenses:In order to ensure the operation of various public funds used by administrative units (including public institutions managed with reference to the Civil Servant Law) to purchase goods and services,Including office and printing fees、Postage and telecommunications charges、Travel expenses、Conference fee、Welfare fee、Daily maintenance fee、Special materials and general equipment purchase fees、Office building water and electricity bills、Office space heating costs、Office building property management fee、Official vehicle operation and maintenance fees and other expenses。

Thirteen、Salary and welfare expenses (expenditure economic classification account level):Reflecting various types of labor remuneration for current employees and long-term employees outside the establishment of the unit,And various social insurance premiums m88 live casino gamespaid m88 live casino gamesfor the above-mentioned personnel, etc.。

Fourteen、Expenditure on goods and services (expenditure economic classification account level):Reflects the unit’s expenditure on purchasing goods and services (excluding expenditure on purchasing fixed assets、Strategic and contingency reserve expenditures)。

Fifteen、Subsidy to individuals and families (expenditure economic classification subject category level):Reflects expenditures for assistance to individuals and families.

Sixteen、Other capital expenditures (expenditure economic classification account level):Reflects the centralized arrangement of non-development and reform departments at all levels for the purchase of fixed assets、Strategic and contingency reserves、Land and intangible assets,and build infrastructure、Expenditures incurred for large-scale repairs and financial support for enterprise renewal。


m88 online sports betting appAttachment 1. Gansu Minqin Lian Gucheng National Nature Reserve Administration’s 2020 Provincial Department Final Accounts Public Statement.xlsx

m88 live casino gamesAttachment 2. Gansu Minqin Lian Gucheng National Nature Reserve Administration’s 2020 Provincial Department Budget Implementation Performance Self-Evaluation Form.xlsx

M88 Online Live CasinoAttachment 3. Gansu Minqin Lian Gucheng National Nature Reserve Administration’s 2020 Provincial Department Budget Implementation Performance Self-Evaluation Report.doc