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Release time: 2021-02-03 09:10    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

Spring Festival is coming,The situation of forest and grassland fire risk investigation and fire m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamessource control in protected areas is very serious,In order to effectively strengthen the implementation of forest fire prevention responsibilities in protected areas,Guarantee the safety of life and property of the protected area and surrounding people,The Fire Prevention Office of Minqinlian Ancient City Management Bureau went to the grassroots protection station on January 27 to inspect the recent progress of forest fire prevention work,Investigated problems existing in forest and grassland fire prevention work at grassroots stations,Arrangements have been made for the implementation of key work in the next step。
The inspection team reviewed the forest and grassland fire prevention and extinguishing work ledger and file information of the grassroots protection station,Randomly visited management and protection m88 online sports betting appm88 live casino gamespoints and key fire protection areas,Comprehensive understanding of duty watch、Fire source investigation status,Focused on the supervision of special groups and visiting graves to worship ancestors、Set off fireworks、Control and control of wild fires such as burning wasteland。After inspection,Each protection station strictly implements the 24-hour duty system,Able to carry out comprehensive fire source investigation,Carry out in-depth community publicity and education activities,Strictly implement grid management measures,Established a field fire investigation ledger,Consolidated the long-term mechanism for fire source control in the protected area。For special seasons such as Spring Festival and Qingming,Each station carries out a solid campaign M88 Online Live Casinom88 online bettingto crack down on the illegal use of fire in the wild,Group partition key monitoring,Established a management ledger for special groups and a ledger for the supervision of protected areas and surrounding cemeteries,Strictly supervise the use of wild fires,Eliminate fire hazards promptly。The inspection team issued the "Rectification Opinion Form on the Supervision of Forest Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting Work of the Management Bureau" on-site in response to the problems existing in the forest fire prevention work of each protection station,Require each station to draw inferences,Deadline rectification,Requires all stations to attach great importance to forest and grassland fire prevention during the Spring Festival,Intensify the investigation and management of hidden m88 online sports betting appM88 Online Live Casinodangers in key areas,Strictly prevent forest fires in protected areas,Continue to carry out in-depth publicity and education activities,Advocate civilized sacrifice among the masses,Civilized holiday,Create a stable and harmonious festival atmosphere。
(Contributed by: Wang Xinfang    Audit: Hu Shengxin)

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