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Release time: 2020-12-10 08:58    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

If you have life, you must be a weather-beaten old man

Watching Minhonglu grow up, watching myself grow old

Very few people visit you anymore

Like a lonely old man, waiting there quietly

Spring, summer and autumn and winter

Uncles are full of memories

With the me who first met you

Come to visit you

They tell me stories about you

The past told

Through the car window, I am shaking and looking at you

Deep wrinkles, disfigured face

There are also deep-set eyes

Tell me your experience without exception

Welcoming and sending, witnessing many joys and sorrows

The one who accompanies you

Only the two rows of slowly growing Haloxylon ammodendron and the still standing boundary stakes

They hold hands, one side protects the fragile ecology and m88 live casino gamesthe other side guards you

Although it was the first time we met, the days after that

I must be by your side

I will stick with you and you will grow with me

We will also have our own stories

It won’t be so spectacular, but it will definitely be unforgettable

Just like today when we first met, I am bumpy and shaking

Watch the fiery red glow in the west with you

The young Min Honglu beside me

The shadows of cars flashed again

You and I are walking together

If you have life, you must be a weather-beaten old man

A strange but eventually familiar road
 (Contributed by: Wang Sen    Audit: Zhao Duoming)
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