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Release time: 2020-04-26 15:39    Number of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

4month24Sunday morning,The Hongyashan Protection Station received reports from the people in Changning Town,There is a pig-like animal trapped in a farmland valve control well and cannot escape,Need help。After receiving the report, the protection station M88 Online Live Casinoquickly dispatched staff to the scene。The animal has a fat body,The limbs are short and strong,Small head,Sharp mouth、Small eyes、Short ears、Short neck、Short tail。Has a pig-like nose,Weight15About kilograms, body length50cm, tail length10cm。Identified as a pig badger,Belongs to mustelidae among mammals。After the staff observed the trapped pig badger,After concerted efforts to rescue,After confirming that he is in good health、When vital signs are stable,Release it to nature。

Successful rescue of pig badger,It is a concrete manifestation of the increasing awareness of the conservation station and local people’s participation in wildlife protection,It is a powerful proof that the protected area is committed to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature。Next step,Hongyashan Conservation Station will further strengthen the publicity of wildlife protection,Work with the surrounding people to protect this "green mountains and green waters、Jinshan Yinshan”

(Contributed by: Zhang Haiqing    Audit: Zhao Duoming )

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