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Release time: 2020-03-24 10:04    M88 Online Live CasinoM88 Online Live CasinoNumber of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T


 I was born in the seventies,Our childhood,There is a forest farm in the village,There are poplar trees on the ridge of the field,There are wickers by the river,Every house has an orchard in front of the house,Blessed and smooth March,Beautiful wind and sunshine,Warm spring breeze,The sun is shining,I never knew there was a sandstorm,The wind hasn’t even blown a few times,It can be said to be "March in Spring"。

 Late 1980s and early 1990s,Comply with the development of production,Create wasteland,A wave of land reclamation is taking place in various places,Our village is no exception,People are full of confidence,High m88 online bettingm88 live casino gamesemotions,Income is increasing,Forest land is decreasing,The forest farm in the village is gone,The poplar trees in the field ridges have also been allocated according to households,The red willow nest beside the sand nest in the east of the village has been transformed into an endless farming field,It feels like it didn’t take long,The wind and sand are raging,Every spring,That’s when the wind blows,We also joined the sand prevention team,Nothing else,But because there is too much wind in spring、Too big,The crops grown at home were beaten by wind and sand and could not take root,We follow our parents,Start planting sunflower poles around the field,Wheatgrass,Used m88 live casino gamesm88 live casino gamesto block spring wind and sand,Sandstorms have become people’s nightmare,The old man said: "The wind only blows once a year in Minqin,From spring to winter; crops are planted several times a year,From spring planting to autumn”,I can no longer feel the warmth of the spring breeze,March in spring has become a memory。

 Starting in the late 1990s,People are aware of ecological imbalance,Environmental destruction brings punishment to humans,Sandstorms seem to be a specialty of Minqin,The government began to advocate returning farmland to forest,Close wells and suppress fields,Sand pressure afforestation,The cultivated land beside Dongshawo slowly turned m88 online sports betting appm88 live casino gamesinto forestland,The protection area is fenced with barbed wire,After more than ten or twenty years of ecological restoration,Until now,Minqin implements the development philosophy of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets",Brings me back to March in Spring,This is no longer the spring March in my memory,But it really made me feel the warmth and warmth of March,I feel the kindness of March!

(Contributed by: Zhang Yuping    Audit: Zhao Duoming)


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