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Release time: 2019-10-16 09:07    M88 Online Live Casinom88 live casino gamesNumber of reads:m88 online betting    Select font size:T|T

Morning of October 10th,All party members of the Party branch of the Protection and Monitoring Section carried out a campaign to “enhance the spirit of patriotism,Party day activities with the theme of “Fulfilling the Original Aspiration and Mission”。All party members watched the "Video of the Conference to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China" in the Party Member Activity Room of the Administration Bureau,Everyone was deeply touched after watching it,Positively talk about your thoughts after watching。
Golden Autumn October,We celebrate the 70th birthday of the m88 online bettingm88 live casino gamesPeople’s Republic of China。The motherland has experienced an extraordinary journey in the past 70 years,70 years of ups and downs,70 years of pioneering struggle,70 years of rise and development,70 years of great changes,Today, 70 years later,We have witnessed the rapid changes in our motherland,Full of miracles,Full of brilliance,Full of confidence,Wish the motherland more prosperity。
By watching the "Video of the Conference to Celebrate the 70th Anniversary of the Founding of the People's Republic of China",We relived the past 70 years when people of all ethnic groups in the country shared joys and sorrows,The journey of struggle m88 live casino gamesto break through the waves。m88 live casino gamesWe must remember "yesterday"、Cherish "today"、Strive for "tomorrow",Practical and responsible style,The tenacity of hard work,Move forward bravely on the road to the future!
We melted into it and shared the excitement and sorrow of the past,Looking into the future, we find that the road ahead will be farther and more difficult,We must cherish today’s happy life even more,Don’t forget your original intention、Forge ahead。As the guardian of the ecological barrier,You must stick to your original intention,Follow your mission,To protect this piece of "green" in the oasis,Always maintain a spirit of forging ahead,m88 online bettingHold up the green dream with hard work!
  (Contributed by: Zhang Chunmei    Audit: Hu Shengxin)

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