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Constitution of the People's Republic of China

(December 4, 1982 The Fifth Meeting of the 5th National People's Congress passed the announcement of the National People's Congress on December 4, 1982
According to the "Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China" by the first meeting of the 7th National People's Congress on April 12, 1988、"Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China on March 29, 1993 The first meeting of the 8th National People's Congress、The "Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China" by the Second Session of the Ninth National People's Congress of the Ninth National People's Congress on March 15, 1999、The Second Meeting of the Tenth National People's Congress of the National People's Republic of China on March 14, 2004 and the Second Meeting of the People's Republic of China and the first session of the 13th National People's Congress on March 11, 2018 Amendment to the Constitution of the People's Republic of China)
Preface Word
Chapter 1 General Outline
Chapter 2 Citizens' basic rights and obligations
Chapter III National Institution
Section 1 National People's Congress
Section 2 Chairman of the People's Republic of China
Section 3 State Council
Section 4 Central Military Commission
Section 5 of the local people's congresses at all levels and local people's governments at all levels
Autonomous organs in the sixth section of ethnic autonomy
Section 7 Supervision Committee
Section 8 People's Court and People's Procuratorate
Chapter 4 National Flag, National Anthem, National Affairs, Capital
Preface Word
China is one of the oldest countries in the world。The people of all ethnic groups in China have created a glorious culture,A glorious revolutionary tradition。
After 1840,The feudal China gradually becomes a semi -colonial land、Semi -feudal country。Chinese people are national independence、The heroic struggle of the nation's liberation and democratic freedom。
Twenty Century,great historical changes in China。
1911 The 1911 Revolution led by Mr. Sun Yat -sen,abolished the feudal emperor system,Founded the Republic of China。but,The historical tasks of the Chinese people's opposition to imperialism and feudalism have not yet been completed。
1949,The Chinese Communist Party leads the people of all ethnic groups of Chinese ethnic groups with Chairman Mao Zedong,After experiencing long -term difficult tortuous armed struggles and other forms of struggle,Finally overturned imperialism、Governance of feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism,Great victory of the new democratic revolution,Established the People's Republic of China。From now on,The Chinese people have the power of the country,Become the master of the country。
After the establishment of the People's Republic of China,my country's society has gradually realized the transition from new democracy to socialism。Socialist transformation of private ownership of production materials has been completed,The system of human exploitation has been eliminated,The socialist system has been established。The leader of the worker class、People's Democratic Dictatorship based on the Federation of Industry and Peasants,In essence, the dictatorship of the proletariat,Get consolidated and developed。The People's Liberation Army of the Chinese People's and the Chinese People's Liberation Army defeated imperialism、Aggression of hegemonism、Destruction and armed provocations,Maintenance of the country's independence and security,Enhanced national defense。Economic construction has achieved significant achievements,Independent、The relatively complete socialist industrial system has basically formed,Agricultural production has improved significantly。Education、Science、Culture and other causes have developed greatly,Socialist ideological education has achieved obvious results。The lives of the people have improved greatly。
The victory of the Chinese New Democratic Revolution and the achievements of socialist cause,It is the people of the Communist Party of China leading the people of all ethnic groups of China,In Marx Leninism、Guidelines of Mao Zedong Thought,Persevere truth,Correct error,Fighting many difficult and dangerous obstacles。my country will be in the primary stage of socialism for a long time。The fundamental task of the country is,Along the road of socialism with Chinese characteristics,Concentrated power to carry out socialist modernization。The people of all ethnic groups in China will continue under the leadership of the Communist Party of China,In Marx Leninism、Mao Zedong Thought、Deng Xiaoping Theory、"Three Represents" important thought、Scientific Development Concept、Xi Jinping's guidance of socialist thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era,Persist in people's democratic dictatorship,Adhere to the road of socialism,Adhere to reform and opening up,Constantly improving the various systems of socialism,Develop a socialist market economy,Develop socialist democracy,Improve socialist rule of law,Implement the new development concept,Self -reliance,Hard struggle,Gradually realize industry、Agriculture、Modernization of National Defense and Science and Technology,Promoting material civilization、Political Civilization、Spiritual civilization、Social civilization、Coordinated development of ecological civilization,Construction of my country into a rich, democratic, civilized, harmonious and beautiful socialist modern power country,Realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation。
In our country,The exploitation class as the class has been eliminated,But the class struggle will still exist for a long time。The Chinese people's hostile forces and hostiles at home and abroad in the socialist system of my country's socialist system,Must fight。
Taiwan is part of the sacred territory of the People's Republic of China。The great cause of completing the unified motherland is the sacred responsibility of the Chinese people, including Taiwan compatriots。
Socialist construction business must rely on workers、Farmers and intellectuals,Unity all the power that can be united。Long -term revolution、Construction、During the reform process,has formed formed by the leadership of the Communist Party of China,The participation of various democratic parties and people's groups,Including all socialist workers、Building of socialist cause、Patriot who supports socialism、The extensive patriotic united front that supports the unity of the motherland and is committed to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation,This united front will continue to consolidate and develop。The Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference is a widely representative united front organization,In the past, it has played an important historical role,In the future in national political life、Social Life and Friendship with Friendship,Socialist modernization construction、In the struggle of maintaining the country's unity and unity,It will further play its important role。The multi -party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China will exist and develop for a long time。
The People's Republic of China is a unified multi -ethnic country created by the people of all ethnic groups in the country。Equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmonious socialist relationship has been established,and will continue to strengthen。In the struggle to maintain national unity,To oppose great nationalism,Mainly Great Hanism,It is also necessary to oppose local nationalism。All efforts of the country,Promote the common prosperity of various nations across the country。
Chinese Revolution、Construction、The achievement of reform is inseparable from the support of the people of the world。China's future is closely linked with the future of the world。China insists on independent foreign policy,Adhere to mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity、Do not invade each other、Do not interfere with each other、Equality and mutual benefit、Five principles of peaceful coexistence,Adhere to the road of peaceful development,Adhere to mutual benefit and win -win open strategy,Develop diplomatic relations and economy with various countries、hegemonism,Promote the establishment of a community of human destiny; insist on opposing imperialism、hegemonism、Colonialism,Strengthening the unity with the peoples of the world,Support for the oppressed nations and developing countries to fight for and maintain national independence、Justice struggle to develop the national economy,Efforts to maintain world peace and promote the cause of human progress。
This constitution has confirmed the results of the struggle of the people of all ethnic groups in China in the form of law,Standards the fundamental system and fundamental task of the country,Is the fundamental law of the country,Have the highest legal effect。People of all ethnic groups in the country、All state organs and armed forces、Each party and social groups、Enterprise Organization,All must be based on the constitution as the fundamental activity standard,And maintaining the dignity of the constitution、Duties of ensuring the implementation of the Constitution。
Chapter 1 General Outline
Article 1 The People's Republic of China is the leader of the working class、Socialist countries based on people's democratic dictatorships based on the workers and peasants alliances。
The socialist system is the fundamental system of the People's Republic of China。The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the most essential feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Forbidden any organization or individual to destroy the socialist system。
Part 2 of the People's Republic of China belongs to the people。
The organ that the people exercise national power are the National People's Congress and local people's congresses at all levels。
People in accordance with the law,Through various channels and forms,Manage national affairs,Management of economy and cultural undertakings,Manage social affairs。
Article 3 The principles of democratic centralized systems in the national institutions of the People's Republic of China。
The National People's Congress and local people's congresses at all levels are elected by democratic elections,Responsible for the people,Supervision of the people。
National Administrative Organ、Supervisor、Judgment Organ、The procuratorial organs are generated by the People's Congress,Responsible for it,Monitor it。
Division of the authority of the central and local national institutions,Follow the unified leadership of the central government,Give full play to the initiative of the place、Principles of Plasticity。
Article 4 The people of all nations of the People's Republic of China are equal。The state guarantees the legal rights and interests of various ethnic minorities,Maintenance and development of equal, unity, mutual assistance and harmonious relationships of all ethnic groups。Forbidden discrimination and oppression of any ethnic group,It is forbidden to destroy the behavior of national unity and manufacture national division。
The state according to the characteristics and needs of the ethnic minorities,Help all ethnic minorities to accelerate the development of economic and cultural。
A regional autonomy for the place where the ethnic minorities live together,Establish an autonomous organ,Exercise autonomy。Autonomous places for nation are all unspeal parts of the People's Republic of China。
All nations have the freedom to use and develop their own language,Freedom of maintaining or reforming your own customs。
Article 5 The People's Republic of China implements the rule of law,State of building a socialist rule of law。
The country's unity and dignity of socialist legal system.
All laws、Administrative regulations and local regulations must not be conflicted with the Constitution。
All state organs and armed forces、Each party and social groups、Enterprise business organizations must abide by the Constitution and Law。All behaviors that violate the constitution and law,It must be investigated。
No organization or individual may have privileges that transcend the constitution and law。
Article 6 The basis of the socialist economic system of the People's Republic of China is the socialist public ownership of production materials,That is, the collective ownership of the whole people and the working masses。Socialist public ownership system to eliminate people's exploitation,Implement each can、Principles allocated by labor。
The country is in the primary stage of socialism,Adhere to the public ownership as the main body、Basic economic system commonly developed by multiple ownership economies,Persist in allocation of work as the main body、The allocation system coexisted by multiple distribution methods。
Article 7 of the state -owned economy,That is the ownership of the socialist national,is the dominant force in the national economy。Consolidation and development of the state guarantee the state -owned economy。
Article 8 Rural Collective Economic Organ、Dual -layer operation system combined with unified division。Production in rural areas、Supply and Marketing、Credit、Consumption and other m88 online sports betting m88 live casino gamesappforms of cooperation economy,It is a collective ownership of the socialist labor mass。Workers participating in rural collective economic organizations,It has the right to run a self -retained place within the scope stipulated by the law、Self -staying mountain、Family sideline and breeding self -retained livestock。
Handicraft industry in the town、Industry、Construction industry、Transportation、Business、Various forms of cooperation economy in the service industry and other industries,All the collective ownership economy of socialist laborers。
The legal rights and interests of the national protection of the collective economic organization of urban and rural areas,Encouragement、Guidance and help the development of the collective economy。
Article 9 of the mine、Water flow、Forest、Mountains、Grassland、Wilderland、Beach Tu and other natural resources,All belong to the country,that is, the entire people; the law stipulates that all forests and mountains are all collectives、Grassland、Wilderland、Except for beaches。
Reasonable use of the country to protect natural resources,Protecting precious animals and plants。It is forbidden to use any means to occupy or destroy natural resources with any means。
Article 10 The land of a city belongs to the country.
Land on the suburbs of rural and urban and urban areas,Except for the provisions of the law belonging to all the state,belongs to the collective ownership; homestead and self -retained land、Self -staying mountain,Also belongs to the collective all。
The country's needs for public interests,It can be enforced or collected and compensated for land in accordance with the law。
No organization or individual must be occupied、Sale or transfer land illegally in other forms。The right to use the land can be transferred in accordance with the provisions of the law。
Organization and individuals that use land must make reasonable use of land。
Article 11 of the individual economy within the scope of the law、Private economy and other non -public ownership economies,It is an important part of the socialist market economy。
National protection of the individual economy、The legal rights and interests of non -public economy such as private economy。State Encouragement、Support and guide the development of non -public ownership economy,And the non -public ownership economy implements supervision and management in accordance with the law。
Article 12 of the sacred invasion of public property of socialism。
Public property that protects socialism in the country。It is forbidden to use any means or individuals to occupy or destroy the country's and collective property in any means。
Article 13 The legitimate private property of citizens is not violated。
The state protects citizens' private property rights and inheritance rights in accordance with the law。
The country's needs for public interests,It can be collected or requisitioned and compensated for citizens' private property in accordance with the law。
Article 14 State to improve the enthusiasm and technical level of workers,Promote advanced science and technology,Improve the economic management system and business management system,Implement various forms of socialist responsibility system,Improve labor organization,To continuously improve labor productivity and economic benefits,Develop social productivity。
The country is saving, opposing waste.
Reasonable arrangement of accumulation and consumption,Take care of the country、The interests of collective and individuals,m88 online sports betting appBased on the development of production,Gradually improve people's material life and cultural life。
The state establishes and improves the social security system that is compatible with the level of economic development。
Article 15 The state implements a socialist market economy.
The state strengthens economic legislation and improves macro -control.
The state prohibits any organization or individuals from disturbing socio -economic order。
Article 16 State -owned enterprises have the right to operate independently within the scope of the law。
State -owned enterprises in accordance with the law,Through the staff congress and other forms,Democratic management。
Article 17 of the collective economic organization under the premise of obeying relevant laws,There is autonomy for independent economic activities。
Democratic management of collective economic organizations,Election and removal of managers in accordance with the law,Major issues that determine management and management。
Article 18 The People's Republic of China allows foreign enterprises and other economic organizations or individuals to invest in China in accordance with the laws of the People's Republic of China.,Economic cooperation with Chinese companies or other economic organizations。
Foreign enterprises and other foreign economic organizations in China, as well as companies operated by Chinese and foreign joint ventures,All must abide by the laws of the People's Republic of China。Their legal rights and interests are protected by the laws of the People's Republic of China。
Article 19 The education of socialism develops socialism,Improve the scientific and cultural level of the people across the country。
The state holds various schools,Frequent primary compulsory education,Development of secondary education、Vocational education and higher education,and develop preschool education。
National development of various educational facilities,Cleaning illiterate,For workers、Farmers、Politics of national staff and other workers、Culture、Science、Technology、Business Education,Encourage self -learning talents。
The state encourages collective economic organizations、State corporate business organizations and other social forces organize various educational undertakings。
National promotion of Putonghua nationwide.
Article 20 The National Development of Natural Science and Social Sciences,Popularized science and technical knowledge,Award scientific research results and technical invention creation。
Article 21: National Development of Medical and Health,Develop modern medicine and Chinese traditional medicine,Encourage and support rural collective economic organizations、National Enterprise Business Organization and Street Organization organized various medical and health facilities,Carrying out mass health activities,Protecting people's health。
National Development and Sports Influence,Carrying out mass sports activities,Enhance people's constitution。
Article 22 The development of the country to serve the people、Literary and artistic undertakings serving socialism、News Radio and Television、Publishing and issuance business、Library Museum Cultural Museum and other cultural undertakings,Cultivating cultural activities for the masses。
National Protection of Opinions、precious cultural relics and other important historical and cultural heritages。
Article 23: The state cultivates a variety of professional talents serving socialism,Team of expanded intellectuals,Creation conditions,Give full play to their role in socialist modernization。
Article 24 The State passes to the popular education education、Moral Education、Cultural Education、Disciplinary and Legal Education,Establish and implement a variety of rules through the people in different areas of urban and rural areas、Convention,Strengthen the construction of socialist spiritual civilization。
The state advocates the core values ​​of socialism,Promote love for the motherland、Love People's、Love Labor、Love Science、Gong morality of socialism,Patriotism among the people、Collectualism and internationalism、Education of Communism,Education of dialectical materialism and historical materialism,Opposition to capitalism、feudalism and other decaying thoughts。
Article 25 The country's implementation of family planning,Make the population growth and the economic and social development plan.。
Article 26 The national protection and improvement of the living environment and ecological environment,Control pollution and other public hazards。
National organization and encourage tree planting and preventing forests.
Article 27 All state organs implement the principle of streamlined,Work responsibility system,Implement the training and assessment system of staff,Constantly improving work quality and work efficiency,Oppose bureaucracy。
All state organs and state staff must rely on the support of the people,Frequent close contact with the people,Listen to the opinions and suggestions of the people,Accept the people’s supervision,Work hard to serve the people。
National staff should open constitutional oaths in accordance with the laws and regulations。
Article 28 The state maintains social order,Comparative Turbish and other criminal activities that endanger national security,Sanctions endanger social security、Activities that destroy the socialist economy and other crimes,Punishment and reconstruction of criminals。
Article 29 The armed forces of the People's Republic of China belong to the people。Its task is to consolidate national defense,Resistance invasion,Defending the motherland,Defending the peaceful labor of the people,Participate in the national construction cause,Work hard to serve the people。
Revolution of the country to strengthen armed forces、Modernization、Regularized construction,Enhance national defense forces。
Article 30 The administrative area of ​​the People's Republic of China is divided as follows:
(1) The country is divided into provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities;
(2) Provincial、The autonomous region is divided into autonomous prefectures、County、Autonomous County、City;
(3) counties and autonomous counties are divided into townships, ethnic towns, and towns.
Municipalities and larger cities are divided into districts、County。Autonomous Prefecture is divided into county、Autonomous County、City。
Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous County is a national autonomous place。
Article 31 The state may set up a special administrative division when necessary。The system implemented in the special administrative region shall be based on the law and regulations of the National People's Congress in accordance with the specific situation。
Article 32 The legitimate rights and interests of the People's Republic of China to protect foreigners in China,Foreigners in China must comply with the law of the People's Republic of China。
The People's Republic of China on foreigners who require evacuation due to political reasons,The right to be protected can be given。
Chapter 2 Citizens' basic rights and obligations
Article 33 Everyone with the nationality of the People's Republic of China is a citizen of the People's Republic of China。
Citizens of the People's Republic of China are equal in front of the law。
National respect and protection of human rights.
Any citizen enjoys the rights stipulated by the constitution and law,At the same time, we must fulfill the obligations stipulated by the Constitution and Law。
Article 34 Citizens who are eighteen -year -old of the People's Republic of China,Regardless of the nation、race、Gender、Career、Family Born、Religious beliefs、Education、property status、Residence period,All have the right to elect and be elected; however, except those who are deprived of political rights in accordance with the law。
Article 35 Citizens of the People's Republic of China have remarks、Published、rally、Joint Society、Parade、Freedom of demonstration。
Article 36 Citizens of the People's Republic of China have religious beliefs。
Any state organs、Social organizations and individuals must not force citizens to believe in religion or do not believe in religion,Do not discriminate against religion citizens and citizens who do not believe in religion。
The country protects normal religious activities。No one can use religion to destroy social order、Damage citizen's physical health、Activities that hinder the national education system。
Religious groups and religious affairs are not dominated by foreign forces。
Article 37 The personal freedom of the citizen of the People's Republic of China will not be violated。
Any citizen,Not approved or decided by the People's Procuratorate or the people's court decision,and executed by the public security organs,Not arrested。
Forbidden illegal detention and illegal deprivation or restriction of citizens' personal freedom in other methods,Forbidden illegal search for citizens' bodies。
Article 38 The personality dignity of citizens of the People's Republic of China is not violated。No method of insulting citizens with any method、Defamation and false accusation fragmentation。
Article 39 The houses of citizens of the People's Republic of China are not invaded。Forbidden illegal search or illegal invasion of citizens' houses。
Article 40 The communication freedom of the citizens of the People's Republic of China and the protection of communication secrets by law。Except for national security or the need to investigate criminal crimes,Check the communication by the public security organs or the procuratorial organs in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the law,No organization or individual may invade citizens' communication freedom and communication secrets。
Article 41,There is the right to criticize and recommend criticism; illegal misconduct of any state organs and state staff,There is an appeal to the relevant state organs、The right to sue or report,But you must not fabricate or distort the facts to be framed。
Appeals for citizens、Control or report,Relevant state organs must check the facts,Responsible for handling。No one may suppress and fight revenge。
Those who suffered losses due to state organs and state staff infringing citizen's rights,The right to obtain compensation in accordance with the law。
Article 42 Citizens of the People's Republic of China have the right to labor and obligations。
The state passes through various channels,Create labor employment conditions,Strengthen labor protection,m88 live casino gamesImprove labor conditions,m88 online sports betting appBased on the development of production,Improve labor remuneration and welfare benefits。
Labor is the glorious responsibility of all citizens with labor ability。Workers of state -owned enterprises and collective economic organizations of urban and rural areas should treat their labor with the attitude of the country。The state advocates socialist labor competition,Reward labor model and advanced workers。The state advocates citizens to engage in obligations。
The state conducts necessary labor employment training for citizens before employment。
Article 43 The right to rest in the people of the People's Republic of China。
Facilities for the rest and recuperation of the national development of workers,Standards the working hours and vacation system of employees。
Article 44 The retirement system of employees and national organ staff in accordance with laws and regulations。The life of retirees is guaranteed by the country and society。
Article 45 of the Citizens of the People's Republic of China in the old age、Disease or loss of labor,The right to gain material help from the country and society。National Development of Social Insurance for Citizens Enjoy these rights、Social relief and medical and health care。
The life of the disabled soldiers in the country and social security,Family Family of Martyrs,Treating soldiers' family members。
National and Social help arranges blind、Deaf、Dumb and other disabled citizens' labor、Life and Education。
Article 46 Citizens of the People's Republic of China have the right to educate and obliges to be educated。
National training youth、Juvenile、Children in morality、Intelligence、Comprehensive development of physical fitness。
Article 47 Citizens of the People's Republic of China have conducted scientific research、Freedom of literary and artistic creation and other cultural activities。Education for the country、Science、Technology、Literature、Citizens of art and other cultural undertakings are beneficial to the creative work of the people,Give encouragement and help。
Article 48: Women of the People's Republic of China in politics、Economic、Culture、Society and family life enjoy equal rights with men。
The country's right to protect women and interests,Implementing equal pay for men and women,Cultivate and select women cadres。
Article 49 Marriage、Home、Mother and children are protected by the country。
Both husband and wife have the obligation to implement family planning.
Parents have obligations for raising education for minor children,Adult children have the obligation to support parents。
Forbidden to destroy the freedom of marriage,Forbidden abuse of the elderly、Women and children。
Article 50,Legal rights and interests to protect returning overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese。
Article 51 When the Citizens of the People's Republic of China exercise freedom and rights,It must not damage the country、Society、Collective interests and legal freedom and rights of other citizens。
Article 52 The citizens of the People's Republic of China have obligations to maintain national unity and unity of national unity in the country。
Article 53 Citizens of the People's Republic of China must abide by the Constitution and Law,Conservative State Secret,Love Public Property,Follow the labor discipline,Public order,Respect social morality。
Article 54 The citizens of the People's Republic of China have the security of maintaining the motherland、Obligations of honor and interests,No security to endanger the motherland、Acts of Honor and Interest。
Article 55 to defend the motherland、Resistance aggression is the sacred responsibility of every citizen of the People's Republic of China。
The glorious obligation of the military organization and participating in the militia organization in accordance with the law and participating in the militia organization。
Article 56 The citizens of the People's Republic of China have the obligation to pay in accordance with the law。
Chapter III National Institution
Section 1 National People's Congress
Article 57 The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China is the highest state authority。Its permanent organ is the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
Article 58 The National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress exercise national legislative rights。
Article 59 The National People's Congress is provincial、Autonomous Region、Municipality directly under the Central Government、Representatives selected by the Special Administrative Region and the Army。Each ethnic minority should have representatives of the appropriate quota。
The election of representatives of the National People's Congress is chaired by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
The number of representatives and representatives of the National People's Congress is provided by the law。
Article 60 The National People's Congress of the National People's Congress per year。
Two months before the term of office of the National People's Congress,The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress must complete the election of the next National People's Congress。If you encounter a lot of situations that cannot be elected,The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is more than two -thirds of the majority of the personnel.,can be postponed to the election,Extend the term of the National People's Congress。Within one year after the end of the situation,Elections of the next National People's Congress must be completed。
Article 61 The National People's Congress meeting is held once a year,convened by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。If the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress considers it necessary,or one -fifth of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress proposal,You can temporarily convene the National People's Congress Meeting。
When a meeting was held in the National People's Congress,Election Presidium Host Meeting。
Article 62 The National People's Congress exercise the following powers:
(1) Modify the constitution;

(2) Supervise the implementation of the Constitution;
(3) Formulate and modify criminal、Civil、National institutions and other basic laws;
(4) Election of the Chairman of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman;
(5) According to the nomination of the chairman of the People's Republic of China,Determined the candidate of the State Council's Prime Minister;,Determine Vice Premier of the State Council、State Councilor、Minister of the Minister、Director of various committees、Auditer、The candidate of the Secretary -General;
(6) Election Chairman of the Central Military Commission; nomination of the chairman of the Central Military Commission,Determined candidates for other personnel of the Central Military Commission;
(7) Election Director of the National Supervision Commission;
(8) Election President of the Supreme People's Court;
(9) Election Supreme People's Procuratorate Attorney General;
(10) Report on the implementation of the national economic and social development plans and planning implementation;
(11) Report on the implementation of the national budget and budget for review and approval;
(12) Change or revoke the inappropriate decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress;
(13) Approval province、Construction of the autonomous region and municipality;
(14) Determine the establishment and system of the special administrative region;
(fifteenth) Determining the problem of war and peace;
(16) Other powers exercised by the authority of the highest state power。
Article 63 The National People's Congress has the right to dismiss the following personnel:
(1) Chairman and Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China;
(2) Premier of the State Council、Vice Premier、State Councilor、Minister of the Minister、Director of various committees、Auditer、Secretary -General;
(3) Chairman of the Central Military Commission and other components of the Central Military Commission;
(4) Director of the National Supervision Committee;
(5) Dean of the Supreme People's Court;
(6) Attorney General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate.
Article 64 The Constitution Modification,The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress or one -fifth of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress is proposed,and the number of more than two -thirds of all representatives through the majority of the National People's Congress。
Laws and other proposals are passed by more than half of all representatives of the National People's Congress.。
Article 65 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress consists of the following personnel:
Several people of deputy chairman,
Secretary -General,
Several members.
Among the members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,Ethical representatives with appropriate quota should be。
Election of the National People's Congress and have the right to remove the members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
The members of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress must not be the national administrative agency、Supervisor、Judgment organs and procuratorial organs。
Article 66 Article 66 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is the same as each term of the National People's Congress,It exercises its powers to the next National People's Congress to select a new standing committee。
Chairman、Deputy Chairman's serving must not exceed two consecutive times。
Article 67 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress exercise the following powers:
(1) Explain the constitution and supervise the implementation of the Constitution;
(2) The formulation and modification of the law except the laws that should be formulated by the National People's Congress;
(3),Partial supplements and modifications of the laws formulated by the National People's Congress,But it is not allowed to resist the basic principles of the law;
(4) Interpretation of the law;
(5),Examine and approve the national economic and social development plan、Part of the adjustment solution required by the national budget during the execution;
(6) Supervise the State Council、Central Military Commission、The National Supervision Committee、The work of the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate;
(7) Revisit the same constitution formulated by the State Council、Administrative regulations that conflict with law、Decisions and commands;
(8) Rejuvenation province、Autonomous Region、The same constitution formulated by the state power organs of the municipality directly under the Central Government、Local regulations and resolutions that conflict with laws and administrative regulations;
(9) During the period of closing at the National People's Congress,According to the nomination of the State Council's Prime Minister,Decision Minister、Director of the Committee、Auditer、The candidate of the Secretary -General;
(10),According to the nomination of the chairman of the Central Military Commission,Determined candidates for other personnel of the Central Military Commission;
(11) Inevantage with the Director of the National Supervision Committee,Deputy Director of the National Supervision Committee of appointment and removal、Member;
(12) According to the request of the Dean of the Supreme People's Court,Deputy Dean of the Supreme People's Court for appointment and removal、​​Judge、Member of the trial committee and dean of the military court;
(Thirteen) Inevantage according to the Attorney General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate,Appointment and removal Supreme People's Procuratorate Vice Attorney General、Prosecutor、Member of the Procuratorate and Attorney General of the Military Procuratorate,and approve the province、Autonomous Region、Appointment and removal of the Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate directly under the Central Government;
(14) Determined the appointment and removal of the entire power representative abroad;
(15) The approval and abolition of the treaty concluded with foreign countries and an important agreement with foreign countries;
(16) The title system and other specialty system of soldiers and diplomats are stipulated;
(17) Standardized and decided to award the country's medals and honorary titles;
(18) Determine amnesty;
(19) During the period of closing at the National People's Congress,If you encounter a national violation of the country or must fulfill the treaty between international common to prevent aggression,The announcement of determining the state of war;
(20) Determine the national total mobilization or local mobilization;
(21) Determined nationwide or individual provinces、Autonomous Region、Enter the emergency state directly under the Central Government;
(22) Other powers granted by the National People's Congress。
Article 68 Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress presided over the work of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,Call the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress。Deputy Chairman、Secretary -General to assist the chairman to work。
Chairman、Deputy Chairman、Secretary -General Meeting Chairman Meeting,The important daily work of handling the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
Article 69 The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is responsible for and reporting to work for the National People's Congress。
70 The Establishment of the National Committee of the National People's Congress、Constitution and Legal Committee、Finance and Economic Committee、Education, Science, Culture and Health Committee、Foreign Affairs Committee、Overseas Chinese Committee and other special committees that need to be established。During the closing period of the National People's Congress,Leaders of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress。
Dedicated committees under the leadership of the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,Research、Review and formulate relevant proposals。
Article 71 The National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress considers when necessary,You can organize an investigation committee on specific problems,According to the report from the investigation committee,Make a corresponding resolution。
When investigating the investigation committee,All related state organs、Social groups and citizens have the obligation to provide it with necessary materials。
Article 72: Representatives of the National People's Congress and Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,It has the right to propose a proposal that belongs to the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress in accordance with the laws stipulated in the law.。
Article 73 The National People's Congress representatives at the National People's Congress meeting,Standing Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,It has the right to propose to the State Council or the departments of the State Council、Questions from various committees。The inquiry agency must be responsible for answering。
Article 74 Representative of the National People's Congress,Not permits of the Presidium of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress,During the period of the National People's Congress, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress permit,Not arrested or criminal trial。
Article 75 Speaking and voting at various meetings of the National People's Congress of the National People's Congress,Not subject to law for investigation。
Article 76 The representatives of the National People's Congress must abide by the Constitution and the Law Model,Conservative State Secret,and produce in my own participation、Working and social activities,Assist the implementation of the constitution and law。
Representatives of the National People's Congress shall maintain close contact with the original election unit and the people,Listen and reflect the opinions and requirements of the people,Work hard to serve the people。
Article 77。The original election unit has the right to remove the representatives selected by the unit in accordance with the procedures stipulated by the law。
Article 78 The organization and working procedures of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall be stipulated by law。
Section 2 Chairman of the People's Republic of China
Article 79 Chairman of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman is elected by the National People's Congress。
Citizens of the People's Republic of China, 45 years old who have the right to vote and have been elected, can be selected as the chairman of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman。
Chairman of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman's term is the same as each term of each term of the National People's Congress。
Article 80 President of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the decision of the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,Announce the law,Prime Minister of the State Council、Vice Premier、State Councilor、Minister of the Minister、Director of various committees、Auditer、Secretary -General,Awarded the National Medal and Honor Title,Release the amnesty order,Announced entering the emergency state,Announce the state of war,Release a mobilization order。
Article 81 The Chairman of the People's Republic of China on behalf of the People's Republic of China,State event,Accepting foreign envoys; according to the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress,Dispatch and recalls the entire power representative,Approves and abolish the treaty and important agreement with foreign countries。
Article 82 Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China assists the chairman of the chairman。
Vice Chairman of the People's Republic of China is commissioned by chairman,Some powers of the chairman on behalf of the chairman。
Article 83 Chairman of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman exercise his authority to the chairman selected by the next National People's Congress、Vice Chairman is in office。
Article 84 When the chairman of the People's Republic of China is absent,position of the successor of vice chairman。
When the vice chairman of the People's Republic of China is absent,,Make up by the National People's Congress。
Chairman of the People's Republic of China、Vice Chairman is absent when they are absent,Make up by the National People's Congress;,Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress temporarily acting as the chairman。
Section 3 State Council
Article 85 of the State Council of the People's Republic of China,That is the Central People's Government,Is the executive authority of the highest state power organs,Is the highest state administrative organ。
Article 86 The State Council consists of the following personnel:
Prime Minister,
Several deputy prime ministers,
Several State Councilor,
Minister of the Minister,
Director of various committees,
Secretary -General.
The State Council Implementation Prime Minister Responsibility System。Each ministries、Each committee implementation minister、Director responsible system。
The organization of the State Council is stipulated by law.
Article 87 The term of each term of the State Council is the same as that each term of the National People's Congress。
Prime Minister、Vice Premier、State Councilor must not have more than two consecutive time。
Article 88 of the Prime Minister Leading the State Council。Vice Premier、State Councilor assists the Prime Minister's work。
Prime Minister、Vice Premier、State Councilor、Secretary -General formed the State Council Executive Meeting。
The Prime Minister convened and presided over the executive meeting of the State Council and the overall meeting of the State Council。
Article 89 The State Council exercises the following powers:
(1) According to the Constitution and Law,Standard administrative measures,Develop administrative regulations,Publishing decisions and commands;
(2) Proposal to the National People's Congress or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress;
(3) The tasks and responsibilities of various departments and committees,Unified Leading of the work of various ministries and committees,And the leadership does not belong to the national administrative work of various ministries and committees;
(4) Uniformly lead the work of local administrative agencies at all levels in the country,Regulations on the central and provinces、Autonomous Region、Specific division of the power of the national administrative organs of the state directly under the Central Government;
(5) Preparation and implementation of national economic and social development plans and national budget;
(6) Leadership and management of economic work and urban and rural construction、Ecological civilization construction;
(7) Leadership and Management Education、Science、Culture、Sanitary、Sports and family planning work;
(8) Leadership and management civil affairs、Public Security、Judicial Administration and other tasks;
(9) Management of external affairs,Concluding treaties and agreements with foreign countries;
(10) Leadership and management of national defense construction;
(11) Leadership and management of ethnic affairs,Guarantee equal rights of ethnic minorities and autonomous rights of ethnic autonomy;
(12) Protect the legitimate rights and interests of overseas Chinese,Protect the legitimate rights and interests of returning overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese;
(13) Change or revoke various ministries、Inappropriate commands issued by each committee、Instructions and regulations;
(14) Change or revoke the inappropriate decision and command of the local administrative agencies at all levels at all levels;
(15) Approval province、Autonomous Region、Regional division of municipalities directly under the Central Government,Approval of Autonomous Prefecture、County、Autonomous County、The construction and regional division of the city;
(16) Determine the province in accordance with the law、Autonomous Region、Some areas within the scope of the municipality in the municipality enter the emergency state;
(17) The preparation of administrative agencies for review,Appointment and removal in accordance with the law、Training、Evaluation and reward and punishment administrative personnel;
(18) Other powers granted by the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
Article 90 Minister of the State Council、Director of each committee is responsible for the work of the department;、Committee meeting,Discussion and decision to decide the major issues of the headquarters。
Ministry、Various committees in accordance with the law and the administrative regulations of the State Council、Decision、Command,within the authority of the department,Publish command、Instructions and regulations。
Article 91 The State Council establishes an audit authority,Financial revenue and expenditure of various departments and local governments at the State Council,Financial revenue and expenditure of the state's financial and financial institutions and corporate business organizations,Audit supervision。
The audit organs are under the leadership of the State Council's Prime Minister,Independent exercise of audit supervision rights in accordance with the law,Not subject to other administrative agencies、Interference between social groups and individuals。
Article 92 The State Council is responsible for and reporting to work on the National People's Congress;,The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress is responsible for and reported work。
Section 4 Central Military Commission
Article 93 The Central Military Commission of the People's Republic of China leads the national armed forces。
The Central Military Commission consists of the following personnel:
Several vice chairman,
Several members.
The chairman of the Central Military Commission is responsible for the responsibility system.
The Central Military Commission is the same as each term of each term of the National People's Congress。
Article 94 The Chairman of the Central Military Commission is responsible for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。
Section 5 of the local people's congresses at all levels and local people's governments at all levels
Article 95 province、Municipality directly under the Central Government、County、City、City District、Township、National Township、Town set up a People's Congress and People's Government。
Organizations of local people's congresses at all levels and local people's governments shall be stipulated by law。
Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous organs of autonomous counties。Organization and work of the autonomous organs According to Chapter 5, Chapter 5、The basic principles stipulated in Section 6 are stipulated by the law。
Article 96 The local people's congresses at all levels are local state power organs。
Establishing standing committee of the people's congresses at all levels at or above the county level。
Article 97 province、Municipality directly under the Central Government、The People's Congress of the Municipal Congress of the District is elected by the People's Congress of the next level; the county、City without districts、City District、Township、National Township、The representative of the people's congress of the town is elected directly by the voters。
Representatives and representatives of the people's congresses at all levels and representatives are provided by law。
Article 98: Five years of each term of the people's congresses at all levels of local people at all levels。
Article 99: Local People's Congress at all levels in this administrative area,Guarantee constitutional、Law、Comply with and execute administrative regulations; in accordance with the authority stipulated in the law,Pass and release a resolution,Examine and determine the local economic construction、Plan for cultural construction and public utility construction。
The local people's congresses at all levels at or above the county level are reviewed and approved the national economic and social development plan in their administrative regions、Reports on the implementation of their budgets and their execution; there is the right to change or revoke the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at the same level。
The People's Congress of the National Township can take specific measures suitable for national characteristics in accordance with the authority stipulated in the law。
100 provinces、The People's Congress of the Municipality and their Standing Committee,In different constitutions、Law、On the premise of conflicting administrative regulations,Can develop local regulations,Report the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for the record。
The people's congress of the city and their standing committee,In different constitutions、Law、Administrative Regulations and the Provincial、Under the premise of conflicting local regulations in the autonomous region,Local regulations can be formulated in accordance with the law,Report this province、The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous Region is approved after approval。
101st 101 local people's representatives at all levels to election separately and have the right to dismiss the governor and deputy governor of the people's government at the same level、Mayor and Deputy Mayor、County Mayor and Deputy County Mayor、District Chief and Deputy District Chief、Township Chief and Deputy Township Chief、Mayor and Deputy Mayor。
The people's congresses at all levels at or above the county level elected and have the right to dismiss the director of the supervisory committee at the same level、Dean of the People's Court at the class and the Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate at the level。Select or dismiss the Attorney General of the People's Procuratorate,It must be reported to the Prosecutor of the People's Procuratorate of the higher -level People's Procuratorate for approval for the Standing Committee of the People's Congress。
Article 102 province、Municipality directly under the Central Government、Representatives of the People's Congress of the Municipal City of the District are supervised by the original election unit; county、City without districts、City District、Township、National Township、The people's congress of the town represents the supervision of the voters。
The election units and voters of the representatives of the local people's congress at all levels have the right to remove the representatives selected by them。
1003 Article 103 The Standing Committee of the People's Congress at all levels at or above the county level is chairman、Several and members of the deputy director and members,Responsible for and reporting to work for the people's congress at the class。
Local people's congresses at all levels at or above the county level election and have the right to remove the personnel of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at the same level。
Estaters of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at all levels at or above the county level shall not be the state administrative organs、Supervisor、Judgment organs and procuratorial organs。
Article 104: Discussion on the Standing Committee of the People's Congress at all levels above the county level、Determine major matters in all aspects of work in the administrative area; supervise the people's government at the same level、Supervision Committee、The work of the People's Court and the People's Procuratorate; revoke the inappropriate decisions and orders of the people's governments at the same level; the inappropriate resolution of the next -level people's congress is revoked; During the period of the people's congress at this level,Individual representatives of the People's Congress of the higher -level People's Congress。
Article 1005 Local people's governments at all levels are the executive authorities of local government agencies at all levels,Is a local national administrative agency at all levels。
Local people's governments at all levels implement governor、Mayor、County Mayor、District Chief、Township Mayor、The mayor is responsible for the system。
Article 106 of the local people's governments at all levels each term as the same term of the people's congresses at the same term of each term。
107 Article 107 Local -level people's governments at or above the county level at all levels in accordance with the permissions stipulated in accordance with the law,Manage the economy in this administrative area、Education、Science、Culture、Sanitary、Sports、Urban and rural construction business and finance、Civil Affairs、Public Security、National Affairs、Judicial Administration、Family planning and other administrative work,Published decision and command,Appointment and removal、Training、Evaluation and reward and punishment administrative staff。
Township、National Township、The resolution of the people's government of the town and the decision and command of the superior national administrative agency,Manage the administrative work in this administrative area。
Provincial、The people's government of municipality determines the hometown、National Township、The construction and regional division of the town。
Article 108: The work departments of the leaders of local people's governments at or above the county level and the work of all working departments and lower -level people's governments,With the right to change or revoke the inappropriate decision of the working departments and the lower -level people's governments。
Article 109 Local -level people's governments at or above the county level set up audit organs。Local audit agencies at all levels in accordance with m88 online bettingthe m88 live casino gameslaw independently exercise the audit supervision right,Responsible for the people's governments at the class and the first -level audit authorities。
Article 110 The local people's governments at all levels are responsible for and reporting to work。local people's governments at or above the county level at all levels at the people's congress at the same level,The Standing Committee of the People's Congress at the class is responsible for and reported work。
Local people's governments at all levels are responsible for and reporting work by the national administrative agencies at the higher level。The local people's governments at all levels across the country are all national administrative agencies under the unified leadership of the State Council,All obey the State Council。
Article 111 The residents 'committee or villagers' committee established in cities and rural areas according to the residential residence areas are grass -roots mass autonomous organizations。Resident Committee、Director of the Villagers' Committee、Deputy Director and members are elected by residents。Resident Committee、The relationship between the villagers' committee and the grassroots regime is provided by the law。
Resident Committee、The villagers' committee set up a people's mediation、Public security defense、Public Health and other committees,handle public affairs and public welfare undertakings in this residential area,Mediation folk disputes,Assistance to maintain social security,and reflect the opinions of the masses to the people's government、Requirements and suggestions。
Autonomous organs in the sixth section of ethnic autonomy
Article 112 The autonomous organs of ethnic autonomy are autonomous regions、Autonomous Prefecture、The People's Congress of the Autonomous County and the People's Government。
Article 133 Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、The People's Congress of the Autonomous County,Except for the representatives of a nation who implements regional autonomy,Other nations living in this administrative area should also have representatives of appropriate places。
Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、The Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Autonomous County should be the director or deputy director of the citizen of the ethnic group of regional autonomy。
Article 134 The Chairman of the Autonomous Region、Governor of Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous County and county heads are citizen of citizens of ethnic groups in regional autonomy。
Article 115 Autonomous Region、Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous organs in autonomous counties exercise the authority of local state organs stipulated in Chapter 3 of the Constitution.,At the same time in accordance with the constitution、Autonomous Law of the Ethnic Region and the permissions stipulated by other laws exercise autonomy,Implement the law of the country in accordance with the actual situation of the local area、Policy。
Article 116 The People's Congress of the National Autonomous Land has the right to follow the politics of the local nation、Features of Economic and Culture,Establish autonomous regulations and one -line regulations。Autonomous Regulations and Single Regulations of the Autonomous Region,Report to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for approval after approval。Autonomous Prefecture、Autonomous Regulations and Single Regulations of Autonomous County,Effective committees of the Standing Committee of the People's Congress of the Provincial or Autonomous Region after approval,Reported to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for record。
Article 137 Autonomous organs in ethnic autonomy have autonomous power to manage local finances。All fiscal revenue that belongs to the national autonomous local local government in accordance with the national fiscal system,All autonomous organs of ethnic autonomy should be arranged independently。
Article 138 The autonomy of ethnic autonomy is under the guidance of the national plan,Arrange and manage local economic construction。
The country developed resources in national autonomous localities、When building an enterprise,It should take care of the interests of ethnic autonomy。
Article 139 Autonomous organs in ethnic autonomous local autonomous organs autonomously manage education in this place、Science、Culture、Sanitary、Sports,Protecting and organizing national cultural heritage,Development and prospering national culture。
Article 120 The autonomous organs of ethnic autonomous locations in accordance with the national military system and local actual needs,Approved by the State Council,Public security forces that can organize their local public security for social security。
Article 121 The autonomous organs of ethnic autonomy are executed,In accordance with the provisions of the local autonomous regulations of the nation's autonomy,Using a local universal type or several languages。
Article 122、Material、Technology and other aspects to help various ethnic minorities accelerate the development of economic construction and cultural construction。
The country helps ethnic autonomous localities to cultivate cadres at all levels from local ethnic groups、Various professional talents and technical workers。
Section 7 Supervision Committee
Article 123 The Supervisory Committee of the People's Republic of China at all levels is the national supervisory authority。
Article 124 The People's Republic of China establishes the National Supervision Commission and local supervision committees at all levels。
The Supervision Committee consists of the following personnel:
Several deputy director,
Several members.
Director of the Supervisory Committee per year is the same as that of the people's congress at the same level.。Director of the National Supervision Commission shall continue to serve for more than two consecutive time。
The organization and authority of the Supervisory Committee shall be provided by the law.
Article 125 The National Supervision Committee of the People's Republic of China is the highest supervisory authority。
The work of the National Supervision Commission at all levels at all levels,The work of the leaders of the superior supervisory committee of the superior supervisory committee。
Article 126 The State Supervision Commission is responsible for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress。Article 125 The National Supervision Committee of the People's Republic of China is the highest supervisory authority。
Article 127 The Supervision Committee exercises the right to supervise independently in accordance with the law,Not subject to administrative organs、Interference between social groups and individuals。
Supervision organs handle duty illegal and duty crime cases,It should be related to the trial authority、Procuratorate、Law Enforcement Department cooperate with each other,Rebate with each other。
Section 8 People's Court and People's Procuratorate
Article 128 Article 128 The People's Court of the People's Republic of China is the trial authority of the country。
Article 129、Local people's courts at all levels and military courts such as the people's court。
The dean of the Supreme People's Court is the same as each term of each term of the National People's Congress,Successive employment must not exceed two sessions。
The organization of the People's Court is stipulated by law.
Article 130 Cases of the People's Court,Except for the special situation stipulated in the law,All publicly。The defendant has the right to defend。
Article 131,Not subject to administrative organs、Interference between social groups and individuals。
Article 132 The Supreme People's Court is the highest trial agency。
The Supreme People's Court supervises the trial work of the local people's courts and specialized people's courts at all levels,The trial work of the people's court at the higher -level people's court。
Article 133 The Supreme People's Court is responsible for the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。Local people's courts at all levels are responsible for the state power organ that generates it。
Article 134。
Article 135、Local People's Procuratorate and Military Procuratorate at all levels such as the People's Procuratorate。
The Prosecutor of the Supreme People's Procuratorate is the same as each term of each term of the National People's Congress,Successive employment must not exceed two sessions。
The organization of the People's Procuratorate is provided by law.
Article 136 The People's Procuratorate exercise the procuratorial right independently in accordance with the law,Not subject to administrative organs、Interference between social groups and individuals。
Article 137 The Supreme People's Procuratorate is the highest procuratorial organs。
The Supreme People's Procuratorate leads the work of the local people's procuratorate and specialized people's procuratorate at all levels,Work of the leaders of the People's Procuratorate of the higher -level people's procuratorate。
Article 138 The Supreme People's Procuratorate is responsible for the National People's Congress and the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress。Local People's Procuratorate at all levels is responsible for the national power organs and higher -level people's procuratorates.。
Article 139 The rights of national citizens have the right to use their own language to lawsuit。People's Court and People's Procuratorate's lawsuit participants who do not know the local language and words,Should translate them for them。
Areas where ethnic minorities live or multi -ethnic people,Trials should be tried in a local language; the prosecution letter、Judgment Book、Notes and other documents shall use one or several texts in the local area according to actual needs。
Article 140 of the People's Court、People's Procuratorate and public security organs handle criminal cases,Should be responsible for division of labor,Cooperate with each other,Rebate with each other,To ensure accurate and effective implementation of the law。
Chapter 4 National Flag, National Anthem, National Affairs, Capital
Article 141 The national flag of the People's Republic of China is a five -star red flag。
The National Anthem of the People's Republic of China is "The Volunteer March"。
Article 142,In the middle is the Tiananmen Gate of Five Stars,Surrounded by valleys and gears。
Article 143 The capital of the People's Republic of China is Beijing。
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